Information Technology Reference
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Multiple changes can be specified by separating them with commas. The fol-
lowing listing shows using the chmod command in symbolic mode:
# ls -l file1
-rwxrwxrw- 1 ambro other 636 Jul 24 12:40 file1
# chmod u-x,g-w,g-x,o-w,o+x file1
# ls -l file1
-rw-r---r-x 1 ambro other 636 Jul 24 12:40 file1
Special Permissions
Several special permissions can be set on files and directories. These are:
Set User ID ( setuid )—Sets effective UID to owner on execution
Set Group ID ( setgid )—Sets effective GID to group on execution
Mandatory Locking—Prevents reading or writing to files while a pro-
gram has a file open
Sticky Bit—Allows only the owner to remove files/directories under a
specific directory
The setuid and setgid permissions impact security and allow a user account
or group account to temporarily become another user account or group
account during the execution of a program. These are controlled using the
chmod command like the read, write and execute file permissions.
The setuid permission has an absolute mode of 4000 and a symbolic mode
of s when used with the chmod command.
The user execution permission must be set in order for the setuid to be effective. The
setgid permission is shown as s in the user account execution permission field of the
output of an ls command. If setuid is added to a file without execution permission, it
is an undefined state. This is shown as S in the user execution permission field of an
ls command.
The following listing uses absolute mode with the chmod command to add
setuid (4744)and then uses symbolic mode ( u-s ) to remove the setuid per-
mission from a file:
# ls -l file1
-rwxr--r-- 1 ambro other 636 Jul 24 12:41 file1
# chmod 4744 file1
# ls -l file1
-rwsr--r-- 1 ambro other 636 Jul 24 12:41 file1
# chmod u-s file1
# ls -l file1
-rwxr--r-- 1 ambro other 636 Jul 24 12:41 file1
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