Information Technology Reference
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The finger Command
The finger command is used to display information about the user logged
into the local system or a specified remote system by examining the contents
of the /var/adm/utmpx file. The -l command-line argument causes the
detailed information to be displayed. The user account name of a logged-in
user can be specified as a command-line argument to limit the information
displayed to a single user. The following listing shows the results of several
finger commands using different command-line arguments.
$ finger
Login Name TTY Idle When Where
root Super-User console Thu 18:49 :0
ambro Darrell Ambro pts/6 4 Thu 18:55 solaris9
$ finger -l
Login name: root
In real life: Super-User
Directory: /
Shell: /sbin/sh
On since Jul 25 18:49:31 on console from :0
No unread mail
No Plan.
Login name: ambro
Directory: /export/home/ambro
Shell: /bin/sh
On since Jul 25 18:55:26 on pts/6 from solaris9
4 minutes 44 seconds Idle Time
No unread mail
No Plan.
$ finger ambro
Login name: ambro Directory: /export/home/ambro
Shell: /bin/shOn since Jul 25 18:55:26 on pts/6 from solaris9
5 minutes 7 seconds Idle Time
No unread mail
No Plan.
The finger command can also be used to display information about users
logged into a remote system by specifying a hostname preceded with the @
character. For example, to display information about users logged into the
system solaris9 , use the following command:
$ finger @solaris9
Login Name TTY Idle When Where
root Super-User console Thu 18:49 :0
ambro Darrell Ambro pts/6 7 Thu 18:55 solaris9
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