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6. An extreme depth reduction result is given by the highly influential paper of
Agrawal and Vinay [ AV 0 8 ]. To first see the context, note that any polynomial
in n varia b les with degree d has an unbounded fan-in depth-2 circuit of size
2 O ( d + d log d ) . (If d
, then 2 O ( d ) suffices, otherwise the second term in the
exponent makes up.) This is because we can just explicitly compute all monomials
of degree at most d , and add up the required ones with suitable wei g hts. Now, can
we find circuits substantially better than this, say even 2 o ( d + d log d ) , if we allow
depth to be increased a bit? Agrawal andVinay showed that indeed this is possible,
even with depth 4, provided there is some circuit (not necessarily depth-reduced)
of that size to beginwith. The idea is extremely simple. Peform the depth reduction
from [ VSBR83 ]or[ AJMV98b ], and ensure with some additional care that degree
provably drops at
upto 6, instead of 2.) Now, choose a horizontal cut in the depth-reduced circuit so
that for the sub-circuit above it, and for the sub-circuits below it rooted at gates
on the cut, the “brute-force” construction described above is small. Obviously
there is a trade-off: if the cut is too high up, the lower sub-circuits can have large
explicit forms, but if it is too low down, the upper sub-circuit can have large
explicit forms. Cut in the right place, and everything works out!
Subsequently the extreme depth-reductions have been pushed further; see
[ Koi12 , Tav13 , GKKS13b ]. The lower bound results of [ GKKS13a , FLMS13 ]
show that the depth reduction upper bound from [ Tav13 ] is tight and cannot be
pushed any further.
This has significant implications for the quest for derandomizing algorithms
for the well-studied problemACIT (arithmetic circuit identity testing)—checking
if a given circuit computes the identically zero polynomial. But that is not directly
connected with this survey. One question it raises here is: what kind of extreme
depth reduction can we achieve for VQP? Can we stay within quasi-polynomial
gates. (The price for this is small: a
4.4 The Syntactic Multilinear World
Much of the study concerningVP andVNP involves the families
The polynomials in both families are multilinear . In principle, to compute a multilin-
ear polynomial via a circuit, we need never compute intermediate polynomials that
are not multilinear. Let us call such circuits, where the polynomial computed at each
node is multilinear, multilinear circuits . However, often it is the case that allowing
non-multilinear terms at intermediate stages, and eventually cancelling them out,
allows more efficient computation (smaller circuits). This leads to the following
quest: what kind of multilinear p -families have efficient multilinear formulas, or
even multilinear circuits, where each intermediate polynomial is required to be mul-
tilinear? Even for the
Det n )
Perm n )
family, which we know is multilinear and in VP, we do
not know of polynomial size multilinear circuits. That being the case, can we prove
lower bounds?
Det n )
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