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The main idea behind the proof is the following: Consider an instances of graph
isomorphism where we want to check whether the graphs X and Y are isomorphic.
We assume they are connected and have n vertices. For a prime p , consider the graph
Z which is the disjoint union of p
1 copies of X and 1 copy of Y . Suppose that
has a p -cycle say g . Consider any vertex u of Z such that u g ⃒=
the group Aut
u .
It is easy to see that the orbit of u under the cyclic group generated by g has to
have p -elements. Furthermore, if any two of the elements in this orbit is in the same
connected component of Z then the entire orbit is. If the prime p is chosen to be
greater than n then such a p -cycle necessarily has to permutes the components as
each of the connected components of Z are of cardinality at most n
p .Thisis
only possible if some copy of X in Z is mapped to the copy of Y and hence X and Y
have to be isomorphic. Conversely, for any prime p ,if X and Y are isomorphic, then
the group Aut
has a p -cycle. Thus, to decide whether X and Y are isomorphic,
we need to check the group representability of the additive group of
graph Z for some prime p greater than the number of vertices in X . By Bertrand's
postulate (it is actually a theorem but the name seems to be stuck) there is always a
prime p between n and 2 n which we chose for this purpose.
Notice that for the previous lemma, all we needed is to pick a prime p such that
Z /
does not have p -cycle. Recall that tournaments have odd order automor-
phism group and hence we have the following result.
Z /
Theorem 7.4
Tournament isomorphism is reducible to
In this context, we have the following open problem.
Open problem 7.5 Is graph isomorphism reducible to
Z /
-representability (or
for that matter any fixed group representability).
What about the other direction, i.e. reduction from representability to isomor-
phism? Dutta and Kurur [ DK09 ] prove the following result for solvable group rep-
Lemma 7.6 (Dutta and Kurur) The representability problem for solvable groups is
polynomial-time Turing reducible to graph isomorphism.
For a group G ,let G be the commutator subgroup. The main idea is the following
group theoretic fact.
Lemma 7.7 A solvable group G is representable on X if and only if there is a prime
p that divides both the orders G
G and #Aut
From the above lemma it follows that to check representability for solvable groups,
all we need is a way to compute the orders # G
G and that of #Aut
. Clearly
the former can be computed easily as the group is presented as a multiplication
table and the latter using an oracle to the automorphism problem (or equivalently the
graph isomorphism problem). We can even assume that the group is presented as a
permutation group because there are efficient algorithms to compute the commutator
subgroup of a permutation group [ FHL80 , Theorem 4].
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