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Fig. 11.1 Luks gadget for
bounded valence graphs
X 1
X 2
e 1
e 2
We now discuss a natural context where the colour stabiliser problem for groups
in the class
d occurs. Consider the graphs of valence d , i.e. all vertices are of degree
less than or equal to d . Luks [ Luk82 ] gives a polynomial-time algorithm for this class
of graphs by reducing it to the colour preserving subgroup problem where the input
group G is in the class
d 1 . We quickly give a sketch.
Fix the two input graphs X 1 and X 2 . We assume that the graphs are connected,
otherwise we run the algorithm for each pair of connected components. Furthermore,
we restrict our attention to checking whether X 1 and X 2 are isomorphic via an
isomorphism that maps a particular edge e 1 of X 1 to an edge e 2 of X 2 : We just need
to repeat the procedure for all such pairs of edges to know whether X 1 and X 2 are
Consider the new graph which we denote by Z which is essentially the disjoint
union of the graph X 1 and X 2 with an additional edge e that connects the mid points
of e 1 and e 2 (see Fig. 11.1 ). If d
2 is the maximum degree of any vertex in the input
graph then Z also has degree bounded by d . Luks algorithm for bounded valence
computes the group subgroup Aut
that maps the auxiliary edge e
to itself. It is clear that the input graphs X 1 and X 2 are isomorphic if and only if
there is at least one element in Aut
) e of Aut
) e (and therefore in any generator set) that flips
the edge e . The algorithm then proceeds to compute the group Aut
) e . First the
graph Z is layered as follows: Let the i th layer of Z , denoted by Z i , be the subgraph
which contains all the edges (as well as the end points) at a distance i from the
auxiliary edge e . In particular, the graph Z 0 consists of just the edge e and its end
points. All automorphisms of Z that stabilises the edge e has to preserve this layered
structure. The group Aut
) e is then computed by inductively computing the groups
G i
Z i ) e .
Inductively, Luks proves that G i 's are in the class
d 1 as follows: Let H i + 1
denote the subgroup of G i that is obtained by restricting elements of G i + 1 on Z i
and let K i + 1 be the associated kernel, i.e. the subgroup of G i + 1 that is trivial when
restricted to Z i . For a fixed vertex u in layer i , i.e. in the graph Z i \
Z i 1 , is connected
to at most d
1 and these vertices have to be mapped
within themselves by elements of K i + 1 . Therefore, K i + 1 is a subgroup of a product
1 vertices in the layer i
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