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x, z
x, y
x, z
x , y
x, y
x, z
x, z
x, y
Fig. 9.1 A refutation and a tree-like refutation of the set of clauses { x y , x y , x z , x z }
Cutting variable x from clauses C
D .
It is easy to see that if a set of clauses S is satisfiable and a clause C is the resolvent
of two clauses in S , then S
x and D
x we get the resolvent clause C
C is also satisfiable. A resolution refutation of a CNF
formula F is a sequence of clauses C 1 ,...,
C s where each C i is either a clause
from F or is inferred from earlier clauses by the resolution rule, and C s is the empty
clause (denoted by
can be derived from a set S of
clauses by resolution, then S is unsatisfiable. In other words, the resolution system
is correct . We will soon observe that the system is also complete , that is, if a set of
clauses in unsatisfiable then there is always a way to derive the empty clause from it
by resolution.
A resolution refutation can be seen as a directed acyclic graph, a dag , in which
the clauses are the vertices, and if two clauses are resolved then there is a directed
edge going from each of the two clauses to the resolvent. If the underlying graph in a
refutation happens to be a tree, we call it a tree-like resolution. See Fig. 9.1 . Tree-like
resolution is also a complete refutation system.
). By the above observation, if
Theorem 1.1 Let F be a set of clauses. If F is unsatisfiable, then there is a tree-like
resolution refutation for it.
Proof We argue by induction on the number n of variables in F .If n
1, then there
is only one variable x 1 and since F is unsatisfiable it must contain the clauses x 1
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