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P 1 is a refinement of
P 2 (denoted
P 1
P 2 ) because:
We can say, naturally, that
P 2 there exist colors in
P 1 whose union is exactly S .
For every color (or part) S
In this refinement situation [ AGKS13 ] showed that, again, a suitable shift in the
circuit D (corresponding to C ) achieves
n log k
-concentration in time poly
Glimpse of a proof We can assume
P 1 , otherwise this case is
no different from the last subsection. We assume that the first k 1 product gates in
P 2 different from
i ↆ[ k ]
T i respect
P 1 and the rest k 2 respect
P 2 . The corresponding circuit
T 1
T k
D where we desire to achieve concentration is D
over R
H k ( F )
But now the linear factors of D are not necessarily in disjoint variables. Example
x 1 x 2
x 1 +
x 1 +
x 2
x 2 over H 2 ( F )
To get some kind of a reduction to the set-multilinear case, we prove rank
concentration in parts. First, we consider those monomials (called
x 2
P 1 - type ) that
could only be produced by the 'upper' part of D (i.e. the first k 1 product gates
of C ). Such a monomial, say indexed by S
, is characterized by the presence
of i
S that are in the same color of
P 2 . For a fixed such i
j we can “access”
2 D
all such monomials by the derivative
/∂ x i x j =: i , j D . Notice that this dif-
ferentiation kills the 'lower' part of D and only the
P 1 -part remains. So, we can
log k 1 )
-concentration in the monomials containing i
j as in Sect. 7.4.1 .
This proves O
P 1 -type.
Next, we want to understand the remaining monomials (called
log k 1 )
-concentration in the monomials of
P 2 -type); those
that could be produced by the 'lower' part of D (i.e. the last k 2 product gates of C ).
These, obviously, could also be produced by the upper part of D . Let us fix such a
monomial, say x 1 ···
. Assume that S 1 ,...,
S ʲ P 2 are the colors that contain
x ʲ
one of the indices 1
. Consider the subcircuit D ʲ
that in its i -th coordinate,
, simply drops those factors of T i that are free of the variables S 1 ⃒···⃒
S ʲ
The problem here is that D
may be a 'high' degree circuit (
n instead of
) and so
we cannot use a proof like in Sect. 7.4.1 .
But, notice that all the degree-
( ʲ)
monomials in D
P 1 -type; where we
know how to achieve
-concentration. So, we only have to care about degree-(
P 2 -type monomials in D
-concentration can be shown using
Sect. 7.4.1 and the well-behaved transfer equations.
This sketch, handling two refined partitions, can be made to work for significantly
generalized models [ AGKS13 ]. But, multilinear depth-3 PIT is still open (nothing
better than exponential time known).
. There, again,
log k
Remark 4.1 Using a different technique [ AGKS13 ] also proves constant -
concentration, hence designs poly -time hitting-sets, for certain constant-width
ROABP. Thesemodels are arithmetic analogs of the boolean ones—width-2 read-once
branching programs [ AGHP92 , NN93 ] and constant-width read-once permutation
branching programs [ KNP11 ].
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