Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Environmental requirements should be determined on the best
scientific information available and have regard to inter-temporal
and inter-spatial water needs required to maintain the health and
viability of river systems and groundwater basins.
trading, including cross-border sales, of water allocations or
entitlements, within the social, physical and ecological constraints of
administration and decision making to provide an integrated
catchment management approach to water resource management
and establishing arrangements to consult with the representatives of
local government and the wider community in individual
consultation where change and/or new initiatives are contemplated
involving water resources
appropriate water-related research necessary to progress
implementation of the framework, including consistent
methodologies for determining environmental flow requirements.
While this was an exciting agenda for change that was widely regarded as
necessary, even if painful, all States have undergone extensive change as a
result, but in reality some of the important outcomes have not been achieved.
The COAG National Water Initiative of 2003
In August 2003, the COAG again considered further water reforms, and
committed to a new National Initiative (www.pmc.gov.au/docs/national_
water_initiative) with the following goals:
improve security of water access entitlement by clear assignment of
risk and returning over-allocated systems to sustainable allocations
ensure ecosystem health through protecting ecosystem assets
ensure water goes to best use through an efficient market
encourage conservation and recycling in cities.
The outcomes sought from this further initiative was to deliver best prac-
tice water pricing, effective management of environmental water, improved
monitoring and information including water accounts and urban water
reuse and recycling, more efficient technologies and review of pricing.
This was more than just an important and overdue recommitment to the
1994 water reforms, but provided $500 million to recover water for the
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