Travel Reference
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once a person is on the plane he doesn't have control of the vehicle. He is at the mercy of
the pilot, powerless, with no means of escape.
Undeniably, many people will have some concern about not being in control, but some
take it to extremes. They become overwhelmed by their own imaginations and magnify the
real dangers of the flight. They are no longer in command of their thoughts but are seized
by negative automatic thinking and anxiety. They begin to imagine the most terrible tra-
gedies and dangerous scenarios that could possibly happen to them. The slightest bump of
turbulence prompts visions of falling out of the sky. One fear builds on another. Such think-
ing can have a snowball effect, which will devastate a person and make him or her unable
to cope.
In order to overcome fear of flying it is important to become aware of your patterns of
negative thinking. When negative thoughts invade your mind, applying the “thought-stop-
ping technique” can be helpful. Simply say “stop” under your breath to interrupt the flow
of morbid thoughts. Then put a positive, rational thought in its place. For example, when
turbulence makes you tense up, remind yourself that no airliner has ever crashed solely be-
cause of bumpy air. Obtaining more knowledge about how an airplane operates can also
help eliminate unnecessary fear.
In addition, avoid alcohol, soft drinks and salty snacks, since these will further dehydrate
your body and reduce oxygen in the bloodstream, making you more delirious. Sitting back
and breathing slowly will enable the mind to be in control.
Like most phobias, fear of flying takes time to overcome. This specific phobia has been
the focus of many studies, and a number of techniques for treating it have been tried and
tested over the years. Most methods involve a form of systematic desensitization. This is a
step-by-step method of eliminating a phobia or fear through structured exercises. A person
learns how to relax while imagining scenes related to flying that are progressively more
anxiety-provoking. Different types of anxiety management, such as breathing exercises,
bodily relaxation and cognitive restructuring can be helpful.
Fear of flying is not easy to overcome on one's own. There are numerous specialized
topics and self-hypnosis programs which provide detailed and useful techniques for people
who experience flying phobia: a small investment which will greatly improve the quality
of a frequent traveler's life.
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