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At the high level, the OWL abstract syntax [150] and the OWL2 functional syntax [151] can be used. OWL also supports
several exchange syntaxes, including RDF syntaxes [152] (RDF/XML [153], RDF/Turtle [154]), the OWL2 XML syntax [155],
and the Manchester syntax [156]. RDF/XML is the normative syntax [157].
For example, a class declaration for a smartphone ontology can be written in various syntaxes, as shown in
Listings 7-71 to 7-75.
Listing 7-71. OWL2 Functional Syntax Example
Declaration( Class( :Smartphone ) )
Listing 7-72. OWL2 XML Syntax Example
<Ontology ontologyIRI="">
<Prefix name="owl" IRI=" " />
<Class IRI="Smartphone"/>
Listing 7-73. RDF/XML Syntax Example
<owl:Ontology rdf:about=""/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Smartphone"/>
Listing 7-74. RDF/Turtle Example
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology.
:Smartphone rdf:type owl:Class.
Listing 7-75. Manchester Syntax Example
Ontology: <>
Class: Smartphone
In OWL, the following types of properties exist:
Object properties that link individuals to other individuals
Datatype properties that link individuals to data values (subclasses of object properties)
Annotation property ( owl:AnnotationProperty )
Ontology property ( owl:OntologyProperty )
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