Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
1) the measurements are sampled at the same frequency, but with a shift (Figure
2) the measurements are sampled at different frequencies (Figure 11.3);
3) the measurements are sampled at the same frequency, but the processing times
are different (Figure 11.4);
4) the measurements are sampled at different frequencies and the processing times
are different. Therefore, the sensors are completely asynchronous (Figure 11.5).
sensor 1
sensor 2
Figure 11.2. Same period, same processing time, different acquisition times
sensor 1
sensor 2
Figure 11.3. Different periods, same processing time
sensor 1
sensor 2
Figure 11.4. Same period, same acquisition time, different processing times
sensor 1
sensor 2
Figure 11.5. Different periods, different processing times
11.3.2. Fusion of single source data
The fusion of single source data consists of re-evaluating the variable when new
data is available by taking into account the previous values. It consists of an update,
since the new data corresponds to the innovation of the observed system. The relative
importance of the history (the previous data) and of the innovation can be adjusted
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