Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
The major differences with other application fields of information fusion first stem
from the fact that the essential question (and therefore the objective of fusion) is not the
same. In signal and image processing, it consists essentially, according to Definition
1.1, of improving our knowledge of the world (as it is). This implies the existence of
a truth, even if we only have access to a partial or deformed version of it, or if it is
difficult to obtain, as opposed to the fusion of preferences (the way we want the world
to be), the fusion of regulations (the way the world should be), or voting problems,
where typically there is no truth, etc. [BLO 01].
1.7. Bibliography
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[DUB 88]
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[JDL 91] Data Fusion Lexicon, Data Fusion Subpanel of the Joint Directors of Laboratories
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[KLI 88] K LIR G.J., F OLGER T.A., Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and Information , Prentice Hall,
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[THO 90] T HOMOPOULOS S.C.A., “Sensor Integration and Data Fusion”, Journal of Robot-
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[WAL 99]
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