Image Processing Reference
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As regards adapting, we will use the terms:
- image adaptation: the system evolves through a series of focusing phases and
organizes itself according to the nature of the information found in the image;
- cognitive adaptation: the goals are constructed in a dynamic fashion based on
the gathered information;
- operational adaptation: the methods are adapted based on the goal and the loca-
This description of the ideas behind focusing and adaptation shows the relation that
binds them. There is in fact a permanent interaction between these two concepts. The
focusing phase appears in some way as essential to adaptation, regardless of which
space is considered. For example, in the image space, focusing defines a window of
interest, and adaptation takes advantage of the information found in that window to
adjust its processing parameters.
Focusing and adaptation within a system are achieved by way of a constant interac-
tion between the system and its environment. Depending on the information available,
the system develops and organizes itself in such a way as to expand its knowledge of
the application field.
10.2.3. Distribution and co-operation
Distribution and co-operation are two concepts that are readily associated, since
distribution in a set of subspaces implies the gathering of partial results. The objective
of co-operation is precisely to co-ordinate the activities and to combine the results
so as to complete the vision task. According to Hoc [GAR 00, HOC 96], it is possible
to distinguish three forms of co-operation: confrontational co-operation, augmentative
co-operation and integrative co-operation. It is worth noting the analogy with the three
representation spaces of the agents, in order to underline the relation between these
three forms of co-operation and the system's forms of distribution. The following
analogy becomes apparent:
- between confrontational co-operation and “how”: the problem is considered in
its operational distribution. Several methods can be considered to reach a goal;
- between augmentative co-operation and “where”: the problem is considered as
spatially distributed. The system navigates in the image space. It works on areas of the
image then fuses the results;
- between integrative co-operation and “what”: the problem is considered as func-
tionally distributed. The system navigates in the goal space. In order for the final
objective to be achieved, intermediate tasks have to performed.
This concept of co-operation includes of course collective dynamics and a distri-
bution in the design. In vision systems in general there is always at least one level
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