Image Processing Reference
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C1 (brain)
C2 (ventricles + CSF)
C3 (ALD)
Figure 7.3. The different decision zones depending on the values of
m 2 ( C 3 )
and the decision image, by taking the maximum belief over the simple hypotheses
m 1 ( C 2 )
C 2 ), rela-
tive to m 1 ( C 2 ) and m 2 ( C 3 ), has shown that the conflict calculation does not present
a systematic evolution towards an increase or a decrease of conflict. For example, if
m 2 ( C 3 ) is small, the conflict is reduced and the weight attributed to m 1 ( C 2 ) increases
(in this case, the two sources are in better agreement over C 2 , i.e. the ventricle class).
The calculation of the decision areas (as in Figures 7.2 and 7.3) shows that if the
weights of m 2 ( C 3 ) and m 1 ( C 2 ) increase, the decision area in favor of C 1 decreases
(when the decisions are made based on simple hypotheses). This can also be observed
in decision images: Figure 7.4 shows a close-up of the decision images in which the
ventricles and the CSF are better detected if the weight for m 2 ( C 3 ) and m 1 ( C 2 )
increases. Differences are also apparent on the small ALD branches which are bet-
ter detected as well. It is very important to note that the areas that are different are
classified as favoring the C 1
Studying the influence of the weighting of m 1 ( C 1
C 3 ) and m 2 ( C 1
C 2 hypothesis (i.e. brain or ventricles and CSF) when
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