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Using raspi-config
The raspi-config tool is a basic utility that is included in each copy of Raspbian. It is
a menu-based GUI that enables you to easily modify your Raspberry Pi settings.
To run raspi-config , type sudo raspi-config on the command line.
The raspi-config tool offers the following options:
Expand filesystem : This option will resize the OS to use all of the available SD
card space.
Change user password : This will prompt you for a new password for the user Pi.
Enable boot to desktop/Scratch : This allows you to switch between booting to
the command prompt, Scratch, or the desktop.
Internationalization options : This option allows you to change your time zone
and your keyboard layout.
Enable camera : If you have the Raspberry Pi camera module, check this to yes.
Add to Rastrack : This option enables other people to know your Pi's location.
Overclock : You can change your Raspberry Pi's speed here.
Advanced options :
There are many advanced options in raspi-config which are explained as fol-
Overscan : If you see black bars on your monitor, or your screen might be
a little off; use overscan to correct it.
Hostname : This sets your Raspberry Pi's network name (Default: rasp-
Memory split : This changes the memory available to the GPU, while
leaving the rest to your applications. The minimum is 16 MB.
If you have Model A or A+ the maximum split can be 192 MB, and on
Model B or B+, you can go to 448 MB. I wouldn't recommend going high-
er than 128 MB, as you want to devote enough RAM to Linux.
SSH : This option allows you to remotely connect to your Raspberry Pi.
SPI : This enables autoloading of the SPI module. Your hardware should
let you know if you need this.
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