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was able to move away from the binding targets of Kyoto Protocol, which should have
been enforced until 2012, and fostered a weak voluntary commitment approach. The
Bolivian delegation summed up the way the Copenhagen Accord was reached—'anti-
democratic, anti-transparent and unacceptable'. It is also not clear what the legal status of
the Copenhagen Accord is as it was only 'noted' by the parties, not agreed, as only 122,
subsequently rising to 139 countries, agreed to it.
The UNFCCC negotiations has taken another blow as trust has been eroded when, in
January 2014, it was revealed that the US government negotiators had information during
the conference obtained by eavesdropping on meetings of other conference delegations.
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden showed how the US National Security Agency
(NSA) had monitored communications between countries before and during the conferen-
ce. The leaked documents show that the NSA provided US delegates with advance details
of the Danish plan to 'rescue' the talks should they founder, and also about China's efforts
before the conference to coordinate its position with that of India.
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