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Business and Industry Non-Governmental Organizations (BINGOs) were another
powerful lobby at the UNFCCC negotiations. However, unlike the ENGOs, they are a
diverse and loose-knit group, with three main sub-groups. At the more progressive end
of the spectrum lie 'green' business, including the 'sunrise' renewable energy indus-
tries and insurance companies, who recognized climate change as a potential business
opportunity and urged decisive action on the part of governments. The middle ground
was occupied by the group which accepted the science of climate change but called for
a prudent, cautious approach to mitigation. At the other extreme are the fossil-fuel
lobby, mostly US-based industries such as the Global Climate Coalition. These were
known as the grey BINGOs or the carbon club, who supported only the weakest action
on climate change, stressing the economic costs and scientific uncertainties. Some of
these BINGOs openly opposed the negotiations and have worked with OPEC states to
block progress in both the IPCC and the climate change negotiations.
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