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G77 and China
The Group of 77 (G77) is the main developing-country coalition and was formed in
1964 during the New International Economic Order negotiations under the UN Con-
ference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). China regularly allies itself with this
group, which now has over 130 members. The Group operates according to a con-
sensus rule. Without consensus, that is all countries within this group agreeing, no
common position is articulated. Given the wide variety of interests that the G77 en-
compasses, however, it has been common for individual parties and groups also to
speak during the UNFCCC negotiations, even when there was a common position.
G77 symbolizes the North-South divide, with G77 seeing climate change as essen-
tially an issue about development. Two major concerns are expressed by this group:
first, that poor countries' development will be hindered by having to reduce emissions;
and, second, that carbon trading must be allowed as a way of boosting income to de-
veloping countries.
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