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This group of non-EU OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
ment) countries acted as a loose information-sharing coalition during the UNFCCC
negotiations, lacking coordinated positions. JUSSCANNZ stands for Japan, USA,
Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Norway, and New Zealand. Iceland and other OECD
countries, such as Mexico, often attended the group meetings. The over-arching con-
cern of JUSSCANNZ has always been the cost of tackling climate change. The group
is, however, split. Japan, New Zealand, Norway, and Iceland already enjoy high-en-
ergy efficiency and/or an energy mix dominated by low-carbon sources. The GHG
emissions per unit of GDP and per capita are, therefore, much lower than the OECD
average, so their main concern is the cost of abatement. The second group is Australia,
Canada, and the USA—the so-called 'New World' countries—who face very different
national circumstances with relatively low energy efficiency and an energy mix dom-
inated by fossil fuels, growing populations, and large geographical areas, all of which
lead to high emissions per unit of GDP and per capita. These countries' main concern
is the cost of mitigating climate change in changing their energy-intensive infrastruc-
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