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used, as the
first option given in the Health Canada Guidelines (Health Canada
2009 ). We utilize data from the 2006 to 2007 Customer Lead Pilot Testing project
in Ottawa and assume that the statistical properties for lead from this dataset are
representative of the samples for the rest of Ontario. The level of pH affects the
dissolution of lead from pipes (i.e. lead being
) into the drinking water
and since the pH levels in Ottawa are much higher than the pH levels for the rest of
Ontario, we need to
the pH levels in the Ottawa data so that it is com-
parable to the rest of Ontario data. We do this by utilizing data from U-MATE
International, which shows the relationship between pH and lead holding all else
fitting a functional form to the data and using the functional form to
convert Ottawa data to the average pH levels observed in the Ontario data. After the
completion of this process, we should have comparable data, in terms of pH,
between the rest of Ontario and Ottawa. The next step is to
find out what lead
values for the Ontario sample would be like if the Ontario samples were taken using
the 6-h stagnation protocol. Our
first approach is a benchmark model and is a
simple percentage change between the 30-min Stagnation and 6-h stagnation pro-
tocols, holding pH constant. Since the lead values used in the analysis occur at only
two points in time (30 min and 6 h), we assume that regardless of the functional
form of the rate of dissolution of lead in water pipes (whether it is linear or not), the
percentage change between the two data points is
fixed. After the completion of this
process, we should obtain estimated lead values from the 30-min Stagnation pro-
tocol data from the rest of Ontario
to what lead levels would have been
had the the 6 h stagnation protocol been used.
11.3.2 The Estimation of Lead
For this subsection, we estimate outcomes for the lead values in the Ottawa data
that would re
ect the pH values in Ontario. The range of pH for Ottawa data (under
project) was between
8.57 and 9.46 while the range of pH for Ontario data (under the
City of Ottawa Customer Lead Pilot Testing 2006
Ontario tap Water
Order for 36 Municipalities
in 2006) was between 6.37 and 8.4. Therefore, we
need the two datasets to be comparable in terms of pH. We utilize data from U-
MATE International that shows the relationship between pH levels and lead (see
Fig. 11.1 ) and
fit a nonlinear functional form.
Figure 11.1 above shows a similar functional form between lead and alkalinity in
s( 1989 ) analysis of temporal variability in domestic plumbing systems
(replica graph from Schock ( 1989 ) is shown in Fig. 11.2 ).
Our estimated functional form is that of a quadratic with the estimated equation
being: y ¼ 0
003x 2
3622, with an R-squared value of 0.9247, where
y is the lead value and x the pH value.
0643x þ 0
difference both in terms of slope and R-squared values. We also did not use higher-
order polynomials (above order 3) since the interpretation of coef
fitted cubic functional form for the U-MATE data did not show any signi
cients in higher
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