Environmental Engineering Reference
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Organization for Standards (ISO) protocol, ISO 9001. 2 The latter certi
demonstrates that quality and customer satisfaction are priorities for the enterprise.
The HACCP audits are conducted using auditor checklists based on Codex Ali-
mentarius as well as local statutory and regulatory requirements. Food processors
can be certi
ed for ISO 9001 simultaneously, while an audit is conducted of their
HACCP plans, resulting in certi
cation for both. To provide food processors dual
cation in
preparation for the ISO 22000 standard for the food industry. ISO 22000 can be
applied independently of other management system standards or integrated with
existing management system requirements. The importance of ISO 22000 is that it
integrates the principles of the HACCP system and application steps developed by
the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Perhaps this is the standard to which water
treatment plants will aspire in the future.
is possible to obtain a combined ISO/HACCP certi
6.3.2 The World Health Organization Water Safety Plan
The use of HACCP for water safety was proposed by Havelaar ( 1994 ), and Iceland
appears to be the
first country to adopt the idea. The HACCP was also the basis for
the Water Safety Plan (WSP) in the third edition of the World Health Organization
(WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, (2004), which has been described
et al. 2008 ). The WHO HACCP-based framework, in particular the WSP, has been
successfully applied to assessing and managing the risks posed by Legionella in
building water systems (Bartram 2007 ). The WHO makes available both a Manual
and an Excel-based management tool, which are available for use and can be
downloaded from the WHO website (WHO 2004 ).
The template for a WHO-style Water Safety Plan emphasizes awareness of
hazards of land use in general, and community education and outreach for water
safety. This is particularly bene
a way of adapting the HACCP approach to drinking water systems
cial for developing countries where community
education can do much to improve drinking water safety. There is also a simpli
version for preparing a Water Safety Plan for Small Communities (WHO 2012 ).
Water Safety Plans have three major top-level components, which are then
broken down into subcomponents. The three top-level components are:
2 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide network of national stan-
dards bodies from over 160 countries, which was established in 1947. The mission of ISO is to
develop International Standards (i.e. ISO 9001, ISO 14000, ISO 27000, ISO 22000), and to make
sure that goods, services, as well as processes are safe, reliable, and of good quality. As the
management system standard, ISO 9001:2008 sets out the criteria for a quality management
system implemented by over one million companies and organizations. To ensure that food is safe,
ISO 22000:2005 contains the overall guidelines for food safety management, helping to identify
and control food safety hazards. Detailed information can be found from http://www.iso.org/iso/
home.html .
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