Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
On Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights, about half an hour after sunset, McDonald Observatory shows off its fa-
vorite planets, galaxies and globular clusters at its popular star parties , where professional astronomers guide
you in some heavy-duty stargazing. Using ridiculously powerful laser pointers, they give you a tour of the night
sky, and you'll get to use some of the telescopes to play planetary peeping Tom. Remember: it gets cold up there
at night, even in the summer, so wear layers you don't think you'll need - lest you find yourself plunking down
$30 for a hoodie from the gift shop.
Scenic Drive
Pack up the kids or hop on your bikes and head out for 75 miles of paved splendor on this
scenic drive through the Davis Mountains. First you go up, up, up, then you come down,
down, down. The countryside is so gorgeous, it's no wonder this is considered one of the
most scenic drives in the US. It's also tops among cyclists - at least, the ones who can
handle the climb.
Head out on Hwy 118 northwest from town, then turn left on Hwy 166, which loops
you back to town. Or go the opposite route; both afford equally appealing views, although
the former is better in the morning so you're not driving or riding into the sun, while the
latter is better in the afternoon.
Fort Davis is one of Texas' best areas for road cycling. In addition to the aforementioned
Scenic Loop Dr, which is as challenging as it is dramatic, there's some nice, gentle terrain
just outside of town for casual cyclists. Unfortunately, there's no place in town that rents
bikes, so you'll have to bring your own either from home or from another town.
Horseback Riding
Going for a horseback ride is a natural in the Old West setting of Fort Davis. If you find
yourself without a trusty steed, try out one of the one-hour guided horseback tours at Prude
Ranch ( 432-426-3202; ; Hwy 118; 1hr rides $30) , 6 miles northwest of town.
Choose from a one-hour trail ride or a half-day ride with sack lunch.
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