Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Houston & East Texas
Why Go?
More down-home than Dallas, more buttoned-up than Austin: Houston has money and cul-
ture, but wears them like a good ol' country boy come to town. What's that mean? Award-
winning, chef-run restaurants where ties are rarely required. Attending world-class museum
exhibits followed by cheap beer at patio bars. Enclaves of attraction spread all across the
state's largest - and widest - city.
When you get sick of the concrete maze of interstates, it's easy to escape. Within day-
tripping distance, Galveston calls to beach lovers and Washington County entices antique-
hunters. Further afield, Northeast Texas is the Piney Woods, with towering forests, winding
roads, natural attractions and Southern belle historic towns. To the east, Beaumont and the
Golden Triangle may be a little oil-and-gas industrial, but the Cajun influence there has ap-
peal. Come for the city, stay for the country; Houston & east Texas has both.
When to Go
Mar-Apr Azaleas and bluebonnets in bloom; not-too-hot weather with lower humidity.
Oct Temperatures crawl down from summer highs; it's small-town festival time.
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