Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
fish barriers exist, whether they can be removed, or whether selective stocking of native fish is needed to
recolonize the stream reach.
Fig. 10.60 A layer of soil is placed on the hardened channel bed and banks on an urban stream in Beijing, and a
vegetation bank and aquatic high plants have developed
Review Questions
1. What are the main elements of ecosystems at various scales? Please explain with examples.
2. What is habitat? What is an aquatic habitat?
3. What is the relation between the animal communities and the plant communities?
4. What are the major ecological functions of rivers?
5. Explain the relation between the aquatic habitat and the physical attributes of rivers.
6. How are the stream biota classified?
7. What are the main factors characterizing the ecological conditions of a stream corridor?
8. What is substrate? What are good or bad substrates? Why?
9. What are the natural stresses on river ecology and how do they affect ecology?
10. Give some examples of human-induced stresses at several landscape scales.
11. What are biological indicator species and how should biological indicator species be selected?
12. What are the measures of biological diversity of a river ecological system?
13. How do you conduct a rapid bioassessment?
14. What is the Habitat Evaluation Procedure?
15. What is the vegetation-hydroperiod model? What can you do with the model?
16. What are the main strategies for the instream habitat restoration? Please explain the mechanisms.
17. How can you design instream habitat restoration?
18. What are the main strategies for restoration of river ecosystems?
19. What are the key tools for urban stream restoration design?
20. What are the restoration measures and their potential effects for the ecosystems disturbed by exotics?
Abbe T.B., and Montgomery D.R., 1996. Large woody debris jams, channel hydraulics and habitat formation in large
rivers. Regulated Rivers. Research and Management, 12, 201-221
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