Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
make up about 54 percent. Urban employees may continue in the same jobs. Working positions are needed
for about 300,000 people who were from rural areas. Resettlement funds are to be allocated in advance to
the settlement areas for construction and education. Losses from inundation are to be compensated by
earmarking a proportion of the income to be derived from power generation after the project has yielded
economic returns, which will be used as funds for economic development in the reservoir areas. Food
supply for the affected people will be guaranteed and regularly subsidized to offset possible price
differentials between state-rationed and marked-supplied food. Taxes are to be reduced or exempted, and
enterprises will be allowed to retain a bigger share of their foreign exchange earnings. Loans, which can
be repaid before taxes, will be granted for the reservoir area's economic development.
Review Questions
1. When thermal stratification occurs in reservoirs?
2. What is overturn? How does it affect reservoir ecology?
3. How do benthic invertebrates respond to impoundment?
4. What are effects of river impoundment on fish?
5. What are the five patterns of reservoir sedimentation?
6. What are the strategies for reservoir sedimentation management?
7. What are the factors affecting dam failure?
8. Why dams are removed in the USA?
9. What are the purposes of the Three Gorges Project?
10. What are the sediment problems in the TGP reservoir management?
11. What are the management strategies mitigating TGP reservoir sedimentation?
12. What are the environmental, ecological, and social impacts of the TGP project?
13. What measures can we take to mitigate the ecological impacts of the TGP reservoirs?
14. What are the impacts of dam removal on environment and ecology?
American Water Works Association, 1971. Quality control in reservoirs. Journal of the American Water Works
Association, 63, 597-604
Armitage P.D., 1978. Downstream changes in the composition, number and biomass of bottom fauna in the Tess
below Cow Green Reservoir and an unregulated tributary Maize Beck, in the first five years after impoundment.
Hydrobiologia, 58, 145-156
Armitage P.D., 1979. Stream regulation in great Britain. in The Ecology of Regulated Streams, Ward J.V. and J.A.
(eds)., Stanford Plenum Press, New York, 165-182
Arumugam P.T. and Furtado J.I., 1980. Physico-chemistry, destratfication and nutrient udet of a lowland
eutrophicated Malaysian reservoir and its limnological implications. Hydrobiologia, 70, 11-24
Attwell R.I., 1970. Some effects of Lake Kariba on the ecology of a floodplain of the Mid-Zambezi Valley of
Rhodesia. Biological Conservation, 2(3), 189-196
Banks J.W., Holden M.J. and McConnell R.H., 1965. Fishery report in The First Scientific Report of the Kainji
Biological Research Team, WhiteE. (ed.), Unpublished report of the Ministry of Overseas Development, London,
Beiningen K.T. and Ebel W.J., 1970. Effect of John Day Dam on discharged nitrogen concentrations and salmon in
the Columbia River. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society, 4, 664-671
Bell H.S., 1947. The effect of entrance mixing on the size of density currents in Shaver Lake. Trans actions,
American. Geophysical, Union, 28(5), 780-791
Blake R.F., 1977. The effect of the impoundment of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, on the indigenous species of mormyrid
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