Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
New Zealand is justifiably proud of being the first country in the world to give women the vote (in 1893). Kate
Sheppard, the hero of the women's suffrage movement, features on the country's $10 bill. Despite that early
achievement, the real role for women in public life was modest for many years. That can hardly be said now.
Since 1997 the country has had two female prime ministers and for a time in the 2000s every key constitutional
position was held by a woman, including the prime minister, attorney general, chief justice, governor general and
head of state - although New Zealanders can't take credit for choosing Betty Windsor for that last role. At the
same time a Maori queen headed the Kingitanga (King Movement) and a woman led NZ's biggest listed corpora-
tion. Things have slipped a little since and only two of those roles are held by women - and, yes, one of those is
filled by Queen Elizabeth II.
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