Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
As you travel around the North Island, you will see many marae complexes. Often marae are owned by a descent
group. They are also owned by urban Maori groups, schools, universities and church groups, and they should
only be visited by arrangement with the owners. Some marae that may be visited include Huria Marae ( Click
here ) in Tauranga; Koriniti Marae ( Click here ) on the Whanganui River Rd; Te Manuka Tutahi Marae ( Click
here ) in Whakatane; and Te Papa ( Click here ) in Wellington.
Marae complexes include a wharenui (meeting house), which often embodies an ancestor. Its ridge is the back-
bone, the rafters are ribs, and it shelters the descendants. There is a clear space in front of the wharenui (ie the
marae atea ). Sometimes there are other buildings: a wharekai (dining hall); a toilet and shower block; perhaps
even classrooms, play equipment and the like.
Hui (gatherings) are held at marae . Issues are discussed, classes conducted, milestones celebrated and the dead
farewelled. Te reo Maori (the Maori language) is prominent, sometimes exclusively so.
Visitors sleep in the meeting house if a hui goes on for longer than a day. Mattresses are placed on the floor,
someone may bring a guitar, and stories and jokes always go down well as the evening stretches out…
The Powhiri
If you visit a marae as part of an organised group, you'll be welcomed in a powhiri (formal welcome). The more
common ones are outlined here.
There may be a wero (challenge). Using taiaha (quarter-staff) moves, a warrior will approach the visitors and
place a baton on the ground for a visitor to pick up.
There is a karanga (ceremonial call). A woman from the host group calls to the visitors and a woman from the
visitors responds. Their long, high, falling calls begin to overlap and interweave and the visiting group walks on
to the marae atea.
It is then time for whaikorero (speechmaking). The hosts welcome the visitors, the visitors respond. Speeches
are capped off by a waiata (song), and the visitors' speaker places koha (gift, usually an envelope of cash) on the
marae . The hosts then invite the visitors to hariru (shake hands) and hongi (press foreheads together). Visitors
and hosts are now united and will share light refreshments or a meal.
The Hongi
Press forehead and nose together firmly, shake hands, and perhaps offer a greeting such as ' Kia ora' or ' Tena
koe' . Some prefer one press (for two or three seconds, or longer), others prefer two shorter (press, release, press).
Men and women sometimes kiss on one cheek. Some people mistakenly think the hongi is a pressing of noses
only (awkward to aim!) or the rubbing of noses (even more awkward).
Tapu (spiritual restrictions) and mana (power and prestige) are taken seriously in the Maori world. Sit on chairs
or seating provided (never on tables), and walk around people, not over them. The powhiri is tapu, and mixing
food and tapu is right up there on the offence-o-meter. Do eat and drink when invited to do so by your hosts. You
needn't worry about starvation: an important Maori value is manaakitanga (kindness).
Depending on the area, the powhiri has gender roles: women karanga (call), men whaikorero (orate); women
lead the way on to the marae, men sit on the paepae (the speakers' bench at the front). In a modern context, the
debate around these roles continues.
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