Travel Reference
In-Depth Information Articles, photos, forums and excellent track and hut information. Region-by-region track info with readable trip reports. Find a summit and get up on top of it. Online topographic maps of the whole country.
Track Classification
Tracks in NZ are classified according to various features, including level of difficulty. We
loosely refer to the level of difficulty as easy, medium, hard or difficult. The widely used
track classification system is as follows:
Short Walk Well formed; allows for wheelchair access or constructed to 'shoe' standard (ie walking boots not re-
quired). Suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Walking Track Easy and well-formed longer walks; constructed to 'shoe' standard. Suitable for people of most ages
and fitness levels.
Easy Tramping Track or Great Walk Well formed; major water crossings have bridges and track junctions have signs.
Light walking boots required.
Tramping Track Requires skill and experience; constructed to 'boot' standard. Suitable for people of average physical
fitness. Water crossings may not have bridges.
Route Requires a high degree of skill, experience and navigation skills. Well-equipped trampers only.
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