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ing account of task domains has shown their superior computational power in wide
spectrum of tasks. Thus, neural network models dealing with N signals as one cluster
are desired under the powerful framework of N-dimensional vector neuron. An N-
dimensional vector neuron is a natural extension of the 3-dimensional vector neuron
whose vital applicability has been presented in Chap. 6 . The famous neuroscience
researcher T Nitta (2007) proposed an efficient solution for the N -bit parity problem
with a single N-dimensional vector-valued neuron [ 22 ] considering the orthogonal
decision boundary. It reveals the potent computational power of N-dimensional vec-
tor neurons because this problem cannot be solved with a single usual real-valued
neuron. It is reasonable to emphasize it as a new directionality for enhancing the
capability of neural networks, and therefore worth researching the neural networks
with N-dimensional vector neuron.
2.6.1 Properties of Vectors in R N
The vectors in space can be directly extended to vectors in N-space. A vector in
N-space is represented by an ordered N-tuples
of real numbers and
same for a point in N-space, R N . All the listed axioms in Definition 2.6 including
two operations (vector addition and scalar multiplication) holds for any three vectors
v 1 ,
x 1 ,
x 2 ,...,
x N ]
V in N-space ( R N ), therefore V is called a vector space over the real
numeric's R .
v 2 ,
v 3
2.6.2 N-Dimensional Vector Based Neural Networks
The structure of N-dimensional vector neuron, which can deal with N signals in one
cluster, can be given by extending the structure of 3-dimensional vector-valued neu-
ron. In an N-dimensional vector-valued neuron all the input-output signals, thresholds
are N-D real-valued vectors and the weights are N-dimensional orthogonal matri-
ces. Additional restrictions imposed on the N-dimensional orthogonal matrix (e.g.,
it can be regular, symmetric, or orthogonal etc.) will also influence the behavioral
characteristics of the neuron. The net potential of a N-dimensional neuron can be
given as:
W l
X l + ʸ
T is l th input signal, W l is the N-dimensional
orthogonal weight matrix for the l th input signal and
where input signal X l =[
x 1 ,
x 2 ,...,
x N ]
T is the
threshold value. It is also important to mention here that the N-dimensional vector
neuron presented here may be considered with the traditional activation functions.
The output of the neuron will also be a N-dimensional real-valued vector. Similar to
ʸ =[ ʸ 1 2 ,...,ʸ N ]
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