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Flourens in 1823 A.D. discovered that the cerebellum regulates the mortar activity. In
1825 A.D., Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud presented cases of loss of speech due to frontal
lesions. Robert B. Todd discussed the role of the cerebral cortex in mentation, corpus
striatum in movement and mid-brain in emotion. In 1826 A.D., Johannes Muller
published the theory of specific nerve energies. The cell theory was proposed in
1838 A.D. by Theodore Schwann. The spinal cord's serial sections were studied in
1842 A.D. by Benedikt Stilling. The word 'hypnosis' was coined in 1843 A.D. by
James Braid. The six layered cortex was first illustrated by Robert Remak in 1844
A.D. Hermann von Helmholtz measured the speed of frog nerve impulses in 1849
A.D. The nerve galvanometer was invented in 1850 A.D. by Emil Du Bois-Reymond.
In 1852 A.D., Kolliker described how mortar nerves originate from the neurons in
the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Louis P. Gratiolet in 1854 A.D. described the
convolutions of the cerebral cortex. In 1863 A.D., I.M. Sechenov published results on
Reflexes of the Brain. John Hughlings Jackson wrote on loss of speech due to brain
injury in 1864 A.D. Otto Friedrich Karl Deiters differentiated dendrites from axons
in 1865 A.D. In 1869 A.D., Francis Galton claimed the inheritance of intelligence
in his publication 'Hereditary Genius.'
The first text book on nervous system surgery came out in 1870 A.D. by Ernst von
Bergmann. Richard Caton recorded the electrical activity of the brain in 1875 A.D.
David Ferrier in 1876 A.D. published, 'The Functions of the Brain'. In 1877 A.D.
Jean-Martin Charcot published, 'Lectures on the diseases of the Nervous System'.
The topic 'Unilateral Gunshot Injury to the Spinal Cord' was published by W.R.
Gowers in 1878A.D. Emil Kraepelin coined 'neuroses' and 'phychoses' in 1883A.D.
Sir Victor Horsley published the somatotopic map of the monkey mortar cortex. In
1890 A.D., William Ostwald discovered the membrane theory of nerve conduction.
In the same year, William James published 'Principles of Psychology.' The term
'neuron' was coined in 1891 A.D. by Wilhelm von Waldeyer. William His used the
term 'hypothalamus' in for the first time in 1895 A.D. Adrenalin was isolated in 1897
A.D. by John Jacob Abel. The word 'synapse' was used in the same year by Charles
Scott Sherrington. Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) was synthesized by Felix Hoffman
in 1897 A.D. John Newport Langley coined 'Autonomous Nervous System' in 1898
A.D. Aspirin was commercially introduced in 1899 A.D. by Bayer. Sigmung Freud
published 'Interpretation of Dreams' in 1900 A.D. Ivan Pavlov coined 'Conditioned
Reflex' in 1903 A.D. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon gave their first intelligence
test in 1905 A.D.
In 1906 A.D., Golgi and Cajal shared Nobel Prize for developing a model to
describe the structure of the nervous system. Eugen Blueler coined 'schizophrenia' in
1911A.D. Robert Baranywon theNobel Prize for explaining theVestibular apparatus
in 1914 A.D. Acetylcholine was isolated in the same year. Cecil Vogt described over
200 cortical areas in 1919 A.D. The Society of Neurological Surgeons was founded
in 1920 A.D. in the USA. Hans Berger published the first human EEG in 1929 A.D.
The multichannel ink-writing EEGmachine was developed by Jan Friedrich Tonnies
in 1932 A.D. Henry Hallett Dale and Otto Loewi shared Nobel Prize for their work on
chemical transmission between nerves. Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser
shared the Nobel Prize on the functions of a single nerve fiber. A.C.A.F. Egas Moniz
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