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Fig. 4.11 Example of social media-based multimedia marketing. Reference [ 27 ] c
2013 Asso-
ciation for Computing Machinery, Inc. Reprinted by permission. a Considering global out-degree,
b Considering topic-sensitive relation
current social media services, feeds on the wall is loosely organized by simply
aggregating the latest news from all the friends. Combining with the derived topic-
sensitive influence, we can thematically cluster the news feed from friends according
to their topic expertise and the topic-sensitive peer-to-peer influence relations.
From the influencer's perspective, the proposed approach can also be applied to
topic-aware multimedia marketing. Imagine Ford has a new car for promotion and
want to release the advertisement poster through social media. The available social
networkisshowninFig. 4.11 a. According to the coarse influence relation—the out-
degree, it seems user A (out-degree of 5) is a good choice to release the poster. If the
topic distribution of the poster is known, where it distinguishes in the second topic
displayed by orange star in Fig. 4.11 b, and we consider the topic-sensitive feature of
the influence relation, it is obvious that letting user B release the poster will achieve
better promotion efficiency than user A .
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