Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Travelling in Austria presents very few health risks. The water everywhere can be safely drunk from the tap, and the
water in the lakes and streams is for the most part excellent and poses no risk of infection.
Recommended vaccinations The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all travellers should be
covered for diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and polio, as well as hepatitis B, regardless of their destina-
tion. A vaccination for tick-borne encephalitis is highly advisable.
Wasps and mosquitos Wasps can be a problem in midsummer but are only dangerous for those with an allergy or if
you are stung in the throat. Look before you take a sip outdoors from a sweet drink. Mosquitoes can be a nuisance
around lakes.
Tick-Borne Diseases
Ticks can carry lyme disease and encephalitis, and pose a serious outdoor hazard to health in many parts of Europe.
They are usually found below 1200m in undergrowth at the forest edge or beside walking tracks.
Wearing long trousers tucked into walking boots or socks and using a DEET-based insect repellent is the best pre-
vention against tick bites. If a tick is found attached, press down around the tick's head with tweezers, grab the tick as
close as possible to the head and rotate continuously in one direction, without pulling, until the tick releases itself.
Pharmacies sell plastic or metal tweezers especially for this purpose (highly recommended for hikers). Avoid pulling
the rear of the body or smearing chemicals on the tick.
Lyme disease Also known as Borreliose, this is a bacterial infection caused by ticks and has serious long-term conse-
quences if left untreated with antibiotics. It is often possible to recognise in the early stage (a rash or red infection
around the bite). There is no vaccination against it.
Tickborne Eencephalitis This is called FSME in Austria. It is a serious infection of the brain and vaccination is highly
advised for risk groups and in risk areas (especially campers, climbers and hikers). Austrians who are in risk groups or
risk areas have usually been vaccinated. Distribution of tickborne encephalitis is uneven; the website
(go to FSME then Verbreitungsgebiete Österreich) has an interactive map showing dangerous areas. Local pharmacists
always know whether FSME is a danger in their region and can advise if you're bitten.
No matter how long or short your trip, make sure you have adequate travel insurance or are at least covered for the cost
of emergency medical treatment. Worldwide travel insurance is available at .
You can buy, extend and claim online anytime - even if you're already on the road.
If you are not an EU citizen and your country doesn't have a reciprocal arrangement with Austria for treatment costs,
don't leave home without insurance. The USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand don't have reciprocal agreements.
Otherwise, expect to pay anything from €40 to €75 for a straightforward, nonurgent consultation with a doctor. Make
sure you get a policy that covers you for the worst possible scenario, such as an accident requiring an emergency flight
home. Find out in advance if your insurance plan will make payments directly to providers or reimburse you later for
overseas health expenditures, and whether it covers all activities (like skiing or climbing). If you're an EU citizen, a
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