Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1918-1939 New Objectivity
Postexpressionism takes root and international movements such as surrealism, futurism and cu-
bism reach Austria, while from 1925 Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) moves away from the 'sub-
jective' approach of expressionism.
1960s Viennese Actionism
After the Nazi era (when little of lasting significance was achieved), a period of post-WWII fantastic
realism adopted esoteric themes; later Viennese Actionism brings 'happenings': pain, death, sex
and abasement move to the fore.
21st Century Contemporary
A neo-expressionist Neue Wilde (New Wild Ones) movement of the 1980s gives way to 21st-century
explorations using digital graphics to complement conventional forms of painting.
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