Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
the SPĂ– in Vienna is based on its achievements in fostering a high quality of urban life
and its infrastructure and equal-opportunity policies.
Crisis, What Crisis?
Austria has been riding through the crises in recent years afflicting the banking system
and euro with relatively little turbulence. Its banks are highly exposed to Eastern
European markets, but otherwise the fallout has been minimal, thanks in part to the ex-
tent to which the Austrian economy is integrated into the Europe's economic powerhouse
- Germany.
While the average Austrian is having to pay higher rents on properties, and the value
of properties especially in resort areas around the lakes has risen sharply of late, the
country has largely avoided real-estate bubbles of the kind that have afflicted the US and
some European countries. The crises, therefore, are perceived as developments happen-
ing elsewhere, for the most part, and as being unlikely to affect people's lives dramatic-
ally in the near future.
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