Environmental Engineering Reference
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X ( s ) I
u d
y d
G ( s ) X ( s )
y lin
K ( s )
G ( s )
Fig. 4.13 Equivalent representation of the anti-windup compensation scheme in Fig. 4.12
be proved, after some system manipulations, that the block diagram in Fig. 4.13 is
equivalent to the scheme in Fig. 4.12 by defining
¼ T aw ð s Þ u ð s Þ¼ X ð s Þ I
u ð s Þ;
u d ð s Þ
y d ð s Þ
ð 4 : 13 Þ
Y ð s Þ
where X and Y are the coprime factors of G, i.e., G ¼ X 1 Y. Therefore, the anti-
windup compensator can be expressed as
ð 4 : 14 Þ
where F is chosen for A þ B u F to be Hurwitz.
In this way X must be designed to ensure the closed-loop stability of X I and
the deadzone nonlinear operator. At the same time, X must be designed to mini-
mize the effect of y d on the controlled variable. It can be proved that using the
Lyapunov function V ð x aw Þ¼ x aw Px aw [ 0 and forcing
V ð x aw Þþ y d y d mu T u\0 ;
ð 4 : 15 Þ
with x aw the state of the system T aw , the previously mentioned objectives are
satisfied. Because of the sector boundedness of the dead-zone nonlinearity, the
following condition is satisfied
2 ^ T U 1 ð u Fx aw ^ Þ 0 ;
ð 4 : 16 Þ
with U a diagonal matrix.
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