Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
This chapter is divided into seven main sections. In Sect. 15.1 , we introduce the
scope of the chapter. Section 15.2 is devoted to the HIL setup, explaining in detail
each part and how to setup the overall testbed. Section 15.3 introduces the 5 MW
reference WT used in the simulations and Sect. 15.4 accounts for the wind
modeling. The torque controllers compared in the simulations as well as the pitch
controller are stated in Sect. 15.5 . The obtained HIL results are discussed and
analyzed in Sect. 15.6 . Finally, Sect. 15.7 states the conclusions of this chapter.
15.2 HIL Test Setup
The overall testing platform consists of two major parts:
• A computer that runs the WT simulator (FAST).
• The turbine controller, programmed on an Arduino Mega microcontroller
board [ 1 ], running the dynamic torque control system which is connected to the
virtual WT via USB.
The HIL test platform is shown in Fig. 15.1 . The next subsections present in
detail each of these parts and how to setup the overall system.
Fig. 15.1
Experimental setup for the HIL WT control test
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