Environmental Engineering Reference
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3. García-Sanz M, Mauch A, Philippe C (2014) The QFT control toolbox (QFTCT) for Matlab.
CWRU, UPNA and ESA-ESTEC, Version 5.01. http://cesc.case.edu
4. Houpis CH, Rasmussen SJ, García-Sanz M (2006) Quantitative feedback theory: fundamentals
and applications, 2nd edn. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton
5. Lego mindstorms (2014). http://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms
6. Mindsensors. Sensors for Lego. http://mindsensors.com/
7. Matlab (2014). Mathworks. http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/
8. Lego motor characteristics. http://www.philohome.com/motors/motorcomp.htm
9. Arduino microcontroller. http://arduino.cc/
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