Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 10.4
Sensor FDI system with residual generation based on the a GOS, b DOS
r i ð k Þ¼ y i ð k Þ y i ð k Þ
ð 10 : 42 Þ
As it is not easy to distinguish the effect of w ð k Þ and v i ð k Þ on the measured
signals, the covariance matrices R w and R v i are used as tuning parameters. They
are selected in order to adjust the residual transient response and its sensitivity to
faults. Specifically, the i-th KF gain K i ð k Þ is designed so that the effect of a single
fault on the residuals produced by the GOS (DOS) corresponds to the the incidence
Table 10.2 (3). In these tables, a '1' in row i and column j indicates that residual r i
changes significatively upon occurrence of fault f j , whereas a '0' means that the
residual presents very low sensitivity to fault f j , for j 2f 1 ; 2 ; 3 g .
Per three-phase signals (currents or voltages), three residual vectors r i ,
i 2f 1 ; 2 ; 3 g , are obtained. By stacking the three residual vectors, we can define
vector r ð k Þ¼½ r 1 ð k Þ T ; r 2 ð k Þ T ; r 3 ð k Þ T T , which can be processed by a decision
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