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2 n/ 2
the invocation of recip(
,n/2) .Thatis,
C recip ( n )
C recip ( n/ 2 )+ cM int ( n , c )
C recip ( 1 )= 1
for some constant c> 0. This inequality implies the following bound:
M int n
2 j , c
log n
log n
2 j
C recip ( n )
cM int ( n , c )
j = 0
j = 0
= O ( M int ( n , c ))
which follows since M int ( dn , c )
dM int ( n , c ) when d
The depth D recip ( n ) of the circuit produced by this algorithm is at most c log n plus the
depth D recip ( n/ 2 ) . Since the circuit has at most 1 +log 2 n stages with a depth of at most
c log n each, D recip ( n )
2 c log 2 n when n
THEOREM 2.10.1 If n = 2 k , the reciprocal function f ( n )
n + 2
for n -bit binary
numbers can be realized by a circuit with the following size and depth:
C Ω f ( n )
O ( M int ( n , c ))
D Ω f ( n )
c log 2 n
VERY FAST RECIPROCAL Beame, Cook, and Hoover [ 33 ] have given an O (log n ) circuit for
the reciprocal function. It uses a sequence of about n 2 / log n primes to represent an n -bit
binary number x , . 5
x < 1, using arithmetic modulo these primes. The size of the circuit
produced is polynomial in n , although much larger than M int ( n , c ) .ReifandTate[ 325 ]show
that the reciprocal function can be computed with a circuit that is defined only in terms of n
and has a size proportional to M int (and thus nearly optimal) and depth O (log n log log n ) .
Although the depth bound is not quite as good as that of Beame, Cook, and Hoover, its size
bound is very good.
2.10.1 Reductions to the Reciprocal
In this section we show that the reciprocal function contains the squaring function as a sub-
function. It follows from Problem 2.33 and the preceding result that integer multiplication
and division have comparable circuit size. We use Taylor's theorem [ 315 , p. 345] to establish
the desired result.
THEOREM 2.10.2 (Taylor) Let f ( x ): ￿
be a continuous real-valued function defined
on the interval [ a , b ] whose k th derivative is also continuous for k
n + 1 overthesameinterval.
Then for a
x 0
b , f ( x ) can be expanded as
x 0 ) n
n !
x 0 ) f [ 1 ] ( x 0 )+ ( x
x 0 ) 2
+ ( x
f [ 2 ] ( x 0 )+
f [ n ] ( x 0 )+ r n
f ( x )= f ( x 0 )+( x
where f [ n ] denotes the n th derivative of f and the remainder r n satisfies
r n = x
x 0
t ) n
f [ n + 1 ] ( t ) ( x
n !
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