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LEMMA 2.5.5 The multiplexer function f ( n )
2 n + n
mux :
can be realized with the following
circuit size and depth over the basis Ω 0 =
C Ω 0 f ( n )
2 n + 2 ( n
1 ) 2 n/ 2
D Ω 0 f ( n )
n +
log 2 n
+ 2
Using the lower bound of Theorem 9.3.3 , one can show that it is impossible to reduce
the upper bound on circuit size to less than 2 n + 1
2. At the cost of increasing the depth by
1, the circuit size bound can be improved to about 2 n + 1 . (See Problem 2.15 .) Since f ( n )
depends on 2 n + n variables, we see from Theorem 9.3.1 that it must have depth at least
log 2 ( 2 n + n )
n . Thus, the above depth bound is very tight.
2.5.6 Demultiplexer
The demultiplexer function f ( n )
2 n is very similar to a decoder. It has n + 1
inputs consisting of n bits, x , that serve as an address and a data bit e .Ithas2 n outputs y all
of which are 0 if e = 0andoneoutputthatis1if e = 1, namely the output specified by the
n address bits. Demultiplexers are used to route a data bit ( e )tooneof2 n output positions.
A circuit for the demultiplexer function can be constructed as follows. First, form the AND
of e with each of the n address bits x n− 1 , ... , x 1 , x 0 and supply this new n -tuple as input to
a decoder circuit. Let z =( z 2 n 1 , ... , z 1 , z 0 ) be the decoder outputs. When e = 0, each of
the decoder inputs is 0 and each of the decoder outputs except z 0 is 0 and z 0 = 1. If we form
the AND of z 0 with e , this new output is also 0 when e = 0. If e = 1, the decoder input is the
address x and the output that is 1 is in the position specified by this address. Thus, a circuit
for a demultiplexer can be constructed from a circuit for f ( n )
n + 1
demux :
decode to which are added n AND
gates on its input and one on its output. This circuit has a depth that is at most 2 more than
the depth of the decoder circuit. Since a circuit for a decoder can be constructed from one
for a demultiplexer by fixing e = 1, we have the following bounds on the size and depth of a
circuit for f ( n )
demux .
LEMMA 2.5.6 The demultiplexer function f ( n )
2 n
n + 1
can be realized with the
following circuit size and depth over the basis Ω 0 =
C Ω 0 f ( n )
C Ω 0 f ( n )
n + 1
D Ω 0 f ( n )
D Ω 0 f ( n )
2.6 Prefix Computations
The prefix computation first appeared in the design of logic circuits, the goal being to paral-
lelize as much as possible circuits for integer addition and multiplication. The carry-lookahead
adder is a fast circuit for integer addition that is based on a prefix computation. (See Sec-
tion 2.7 .) Prefix computations are now widely used in parallel computation because they
provide a standard, optimizable framework in which to perform computations in parallel.
The prefix function
( n )
n on input x =( x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n ) produces as
output y =( y 1 , y 2 , ... , y n ) , which is a running sum of its n inputs x using the operator
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