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[210] W. F. McColl and M. S. Paterson, “The Planar Realization of Boolean Functions,” Info.Processing
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[211] W. S. McCulloch and E. Pitts, “A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity,”
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[215] G. H. Mealy, “A Method for Synthesizing Sequential Circuits,” Be lSyst.Techn.J.34 (1955),
[216] K. Mehlhorn, “Some Remarks on Boolean Sums,” ActaInformatica 12 (1979), 371-375.
[217] K. Mehlhorn, “ AT 2 Optimal VLSI Integer Division and Integer Square Rooting,” Integration 2
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[218] K. Mehlhorn and Z. Galil, “Monotone Switching Circuits and Boolean Matrix Product,” Com-
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[219] K. Mehlhorn and F. P. Preparata, “Area-Time Optimal Division for T
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[220] K. Mehlhorn and E. M. Schmidt, “Las Vegas Is Better than Determinism in VLSI and Distributive
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[221] K. Mehlhorn and U. Vishkin, “Randomized and Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs by Parallel
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[222] F. Meyer auf der Heide, “A Comparison Between Two Variations of a Pebble Game on Graphs,”
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[223] E. F. Moore, “Gedanken-Experiments on Sequential Machines,” in Automata Studies (Annals of
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[224] D. E. Muller, “Complexity in Electronic Switching Circuits,” IRETrans.Comput. EC-5 (1956),
[225] D. E. Muller and F. P. Preparata, “Minimal Delay Networks for Sorting and Switching,” Proc. 6th
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[226] D. E. Muller and F. P. Preparata, “Bounds to Complexities of Networks for Sorting and Switching,”
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[227] J. Myhill, “Finite Automata and the Representation of Events,” Wright Patterson AFB, Technical
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[228] J. Myhill, “Linear Bounded Automata,” Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADD Tech.
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[230] E. I. Neciporuk, “A Boolean Function,” Dokl.Akad.NaukSSSR(SovietMath.Dokl.) 169 (1966),
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[231] E. I. Neciporuk, “A Boolean Matrix,” Probl. Kibern. 21 (1969), 237-240, (in Russian); English
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[232] M. H. Nodine and J. S. Vitter, “Large-Scale Sorting in Parallel Memories (Extended Abstract),”
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