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bound. Turan [ 337 ] exhibits a function and a predicate with Ω( n 3 / 2 log n ) and Ω( n log n )
lower bounds to their multilective planar circuit size, respectively. The w ( u , v ) -flow and
w ( u , v ) -separated properties used in Section 12.7 were introduced in [ 291 ].
Lower bounds on the area of chips have been explored by a number of authors. Yao [ 367 ]
examined addition; Baudet [ 30 ] studied functions that do not have a large information flow;
Heintz [ 131 ] derived bounds for matrix-matrix multiplication; Leighton [ 191 ] introduced and
used the crossing number of a graph to derive area bounds; Siegel [ 309 ] derived bounds for
sorting; and Savage [ 288 ] examined functions with many subfunctions. Bilardi and Preparata
[ 42 ] have generalized arguments of [ 30 ]and[ 152 ]toderivestrongerarea-timelowerbounds
for functions, such as prefix, for which the information flow arguments give weak results.
Lower bounds on the area of multilective chips were obtained by Savage [ 291 ], Hromkovic
[ 142 , 143 ], and DuriˇsandGalil[ 93 ].
Models for 3D VLSI chips, which are not yet a reality, have been introduced by Rosenberg
[ 282 , 283 ]andstudiedbyPreparata[ 263 ].
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