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12.3 Show that every layout of a balanced binary tree on n leaves in which the root and the
leaves are placed on the boundary of a convex region has area proportional to n log n .
Hint: Consider an inscribed quadrilateral defined by the longest chord and a chord
perpendicular to it.
12.4 The n
n mesh-of-trees network, n = 2 r , is described in Problem 7.4 .Giveanarea-
efficient layout for an arbitrary graph in this family of graphs and derive an expression
for its area.
12.5 Let n = 2 k . As suggested in Fig. 12.9 ,the n
n tree of meshes T n is a binary tree
in which each vertex is a mesh and the meshes are decreasing in size with distance from
the root. The edges between vertices are bundles of parallel wires. The root vertex is
an n
n mesh, its immediate descendants are n/ 2
n meshes, and their immediate
descendants are n/ 2
n/ 2 descendants, and so on.
The depth- d , n
n mesh of trees, T n , d ,is T n that has been truncated to vertices at
distance d or less from the root.
Determine the area of an area-efficient layout of the tree T n , d .
12.6 Use the results of Problem 12.11 to extend Theorem 12.7.1 to multilective planar
circuits of order μ .
12.7 Further extend the results of Problem 12.6 to ( β , μ ) -multilective VLSI algorithms by
showing that, at the expense of a small increase in AT 2 and A 2 T , multiple inputs of a
variable at the same I/O port can be treated as a single input, thereby possibly reducing
the multilective order of the corresponding planar circuit. This implies that if multiple
copies of each variable are read at a single port, then the semellective planar circuit size
is a lower bound to both AT 2 and A 2 T .
Figure 12.9 The 4
4treeofmeshes, T 4 .
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