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at least one vertex. But ξ ( e ) includes the same set of vertices of V inside it (and has the
same cost) as does ξ ( e ) , although it has fewer faces, contradicting the choice for e =( x , y ) .
In case (a2) the edge e =( x , z ) is a non-tree edge since T contains no cycles. The inside
of ξ ( e ) contains no more cost and one less face than ξ ( e ) . If the cost inside ξ ( e ) is greater
than the cost outside, e would have been chosen instead of e . On the other hand, if the
cost inside ξ ( e ) is at most the cost outside, since the latter is equal to the cost outside ξ ( e ) ,
which is at most c ( V ) / 3, the cost inside ξ ( e ) is at most c ( V ) / 3. However, this contradicts
the assumption that μ ( e ) > 2 c ( V ) / 3foralledges e .
Consider the case (b) in which neither edge ( x , z ) nor ( y , z ) is in T .(SeeFig. 12.8 (c).)
The edges ( x , z ) and ( y , z ) each define a cycle contained within ξ ( e ) . Without loss of gen-
erality assume that the cycle defined by ( x , z ) has more cost on the inside of ξ ( e ) than does
the cycle defined by ( y , z ) . Because the cost of vertices on the inside of the original cycle is
more than 2 c ( V ) / 3,thecostinsideandon ξ (( x , z )) is more than c ( V ) / 3. Thus, the cost
outside ξ (( x , z )) is less than or equal to 2 c ( V ) / 3. If the cost inside ξ (( x , z )) is also less
than or equal to 2 c ( V ) / 3, we have a contradiction. If greater than 2 c ( V ) / 3, ξ (( x , z )) is a
cycle with fewer faces for which μ (( x , z )) > 2 c ( V ) / 3, another contradiction.
The following theorem uses Lemma 12.6.2 together with a spanning tree constructed
through a breadth-first traversal of a connected planar graph to show the existence of a small
separator that divides the vertices into approximately two equal cost parts.
THEOREM 12.6.2 Let G =( V , E ) be an N -vertex planar graph having non-negative vertex
costs summing to c ( V ) .Then, V can be partitioned into three sets, A , B ,and C ,suchthatnoedge
joinsverticesin A w ith those in B , neither A nor B has cost exceeding 2 c ( V ) / 3 ,and C contains
no more than 4 N vertices.
Proof We assume that G is connected. If not, embed it in the plane and add edges as
appropriate to make it connected. Assume that it has been triangulated, that is, every face
except for the outermost is a triangle.
Pick any vertex (call it the root) and perform a breadth-first traversal of G . This traversal
defines a BFS spanning tree T of G .Avertex v has level d in this tree if the length of the
path from the root to v has d edges. There are no vertices at level q where q is the level one
larger than that of all vertices. Let R d be the vertices at level d and let r d =
R d |
The reader is asked to show that there is some level m such that the cost of vertices
at levels below and above m each is at most c ( V ) / 2.
(Se e Problem 12.9 .) Let l and h ,
h , be levels closest to m that contain at most N vertices. That is, r l N and
r h N . There are such levels because level 0 contains a single vertex and there are none
at level q .
The vertices in G are partitioned into the following five sets: a) L = d<l R d ,b) R l ,
c) M = l<d<h R d ,d) R h ,ande) H = h<d R d .Since L and H are subsets of the
sets of vertices with levels le ss than and more than m , c ( L ) , c ( H )
c ( V ) / 2. Also, by
N .If R l = R h = R m (which implies that M is empty and
l = h = m ), let A = L , B = H ,and C = R l = R h .Then, C is a separator of size at
construction, r l , r h
most N and the theorem holds. If l
= h ,then h
0. Since each of the h
levels between l and h has at least N + 1 vertices, it follows that h
because these levels cannot have more than N
1 vertices altogether.
Consider the subgraph of G consisting of the vertices in M and the edges between them.
Add a new vertex v 0 to replace the vertices in L
R l and add an edge from v 0 to each of
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