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Obviously, when n = 2 d the 2 n -point DFT can be realized by the 2 n -point FFT. The DAG
associated with this algorithm, shown in Fig. 11.11 for d = 4, contains three copies of the
FFT graph F ( 2 d ) .
We derive bounds on the computation and I/O time in the standard and I/O-limited
memory-hierarchy game needed for the convolution function using this straight-line program.
For the standard MHG, we invoke the lower bounds and an efficient algorithm for the FFT.
For the I/O-limited MHG, we derive new lower bounds based on those for two back-to-back
FFT graphs as well as upper bounds based on the I/O-limited pebbling algorithm given in
Theorem 11.5.4 for FFT graphs.
THEOREM 11.5.7 Let G ( n )
convolve be the graph of a straight-line program for the convolution of
two n -tuples using the convolution theorem, n = 2 d .Let G ( n )
convolve be pebbled in the standard
MHG with the resource vector p .Let s l = j = 1 p j and let k be the largest integer such that
s k
3 there is a pebbling of G ( n )
n .When p 1
for which the following bounds hold
Θ( n log n )
l = 1
Θ n log n
log s l 1 2
T ( L )
( p , F ( d ) )=
k + 1
Θ( n )
k + 2
Proof The lower bound follows from Lemma 11.3.2 and Theorem 11.5.5 .Fromthefor-
mer, it is sufficient to derive lower bounds for a subgraph of a graph. Since F ( d ) is contained
in G ( n )
convolve , the lower bound follows.
Figure 11.11 A DAG for the graph of the convolution theorem on n = 8inputs.
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