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1.6 Describe an algorithm to convert numbers from decimal to binary notation.
1.7 A graph G =( V , E ) can be described by adjacency lists, one list for each vertex in the
graph. The adjacency list for vertex v
V is a list of vertices to which there is an edge
from v . Generate adjacency lists for the two graphs of Fig. 1.2 .
1.8 Let ￿ 5 be the set
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
. Let the addition operator
over this set be modulo 5;
that is, if x and y are two such integers, x
y is obtained by adding x and y as integers
and taking the remainder after division by 5. For example, 2
2 = 4 mod 5whereas
5 .
1.9 Give a truth table for the Boolean function whose value is Tr u e exactly when either x
or y or both is Tr u e and z is False .
4 = 7 = 2 mod 5. Provide a table describing the function f : ￿ 5
1.10 For each of the fifteen unordered pairs of functions f and g below, determine whether
f ( n )= O ( g ( n )) , f ( n )=Ω( g ( n )) ,or f ( n )=Θ( g ( n )) .
n 3 ;
n 6 ;
n 3 log 2 n ;
f) 2 2 n .
2 n log 2 n ;
n 2 n ;
1.11 Show that 2 . 7 n 2 + 6 n
log 2 n
8 . 7 n 2 for n
1.12 Let S r ( n )= j = 1 j r denote a sum of powers of integers. Use proof by induction to
show that the following identities on arithmetic series hold:
S 2 ( n )= n 3
3 + n 2
2 + 6
S 3 ( n )= n 4
+ n 3
+ n 2
1.13 Produce a circuit and straight-line program for the Boolean function described in Prob-
lem 1.9 .
1.14 A state diagram for a finite-state machine is a graph containing one vertex (or state )
for each pattern of data that can be held in its memory and an edge from state p to
state q if there is a value for the input data that causes the memory to change from p
to q . Such an edge is labeled with the value of the input data that causes the transition.
Outputs are generated by a finite-state machine when it is in a state. The vertices of its
state diagram are labeled by these outputs.
Provide a state diagram for the finite-state machine described in Fig. 1.5 (b).
1.15 Using the straight-line program given for the full-adder circuit in Section 1.4.1 ,describe
how such a program would be placed in the random-access memory of the RAM and
how the RAM would run the fetch-and-execute cycle to compute the values produced
by the full-adder circuit. This is an example of circuit simulation by a program.
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