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property that S + 1 or more inputs cannot remain unpebbled since S + 1outputsare
10.28 Use the result of the previous problem to show that to pebble an n -superconcentrator
with S pebbles in time T requires S and T to satisfy the following inequality:
n 2
Hint: As in the proof of Theorem 10.4.1 , divide time up into consecutive intervals.
Choose the intervals so that each has the same number of outputs pebbled during it.
Apply the results of the previous problem to obtain a lower bound on the sum of the
number of input and output vertices that are pebbled during the interval.
( S + 1 ) T
10.29 Show that the pebbling of two n -input back-to-back FFT graphs requires space and
time that satisfy S 2 T =Ω( n 3 ) and that this lower bound can be achieved up to a
multiplicative factor.
Hint: From the proof of Lemma 10.5.4 it follows that to pebble any 2 S outputs with
S pebbles at least n
S + 1 inputs must be pebbled because if fewer inputs need be
pebbled the outputs can have more values than is possible for the FFT.
10.30 Show that there is a pebbling for a straight-line program for the cyclic shift func-
tion f ( n )
n +
log n
n examined in Section 10.5.2 for which ( S + 1 ) T =
O ( n 2 log n ) .
Hint: Pebble the graph of the circuit described in Section 2.5.1 . Construct a circuit for
f ( n )
cyclic that produces each output with O ( n log n ) gates.
10.31 Show that the binary addition function f ( n )
add (see Section 2.7 ) can be realized by a
straight-line program using space and time satisfying ST = O ( n ) .
10.32 Derive upper and lower bounds on the product ( S + 1 ) T for pebblings of circuits for
the squaring function f ( n )
square that are within a factor of O (log 2 n ) of one another.
10.33 Derive good upper and lower bounds on the product ( S + 1 ) T for pebblings of circuits
for the reciprocal function f ( n )
recip .
10.34 In Section 6.5.3 a straight-line algorithm is given to invert an n
n triangular matrix.
Construct another straight-line algorithm based on it that can be pebbled with O ( n )
pebbles to produce outputs by columns in O ( n 3 ) steps under the assumption that the
standard matrix multiplication algorithm is used for the matrix multiplication steps.
Hint: To produce outputs of a triangular matrix T by columns using the algorithm of
Fig. 6.5 , it is necessary to read the elements of T 2,1 by rows and produce the outputs of
T 1
2,2 by rows. Consider modifying this algorithm to generate the elements of the latter
matrix first by rows and then by columns.
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