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10.11 Consider the FFT graph F ( k ) on m = 2 k inputs. Show that the subgraph connecting
inputs to any one output is a complete binary tree on m leaves.
10.12 Consider a directed acyclic graph with n vertices, some of which have out-degree greater
than 2. (a) Show that if each vertex of out-degree k> 2 is replaced by a binary tree
with k leaves and edges directed from the root to the leaves, the number of vertices in
the graph is at most doubled. (b) Show that replacing vertices with in-degree greater
than 2 with binary trees also at most doubles the number of vertices in the graph.
10.13 Let N ( k ) be the number of vertices in the graph H k discussed in Section 10.3 .Show
that the following recurrence holds for N ( k ) :
N ( k )= N ( k
1 )+ 4 k + 3
Show that N ( k )= 2 k 2 + 5 k
6for k
2since N ( 2 )= 12.
10.14 Construct a new family
G k }
of graphs with fan-in 2 at each vertex from the graphs
by replacing the tree in Fig. 10.4 by a pyramid graph in k inputs and the bipartite
graph with the graph E k showninFig. 10.23 . Show that each output of E k can be
pebbled with k pebbles but that after pebbling any one output there is at least one path
without pebbles between the input and every other output. Show also that with k + 1
pebbles E k can be pebbled without repebbling any vertex.
Let T k ( S ) be the number of steps to pebble G k with S pebbles. Using the above facts,
show the following:
a) N ( k )=
H k }
= O ( n 4 )
b) S min ( G k )= k
c) T k ( k + 1 )= N ( k )
d) T k ( k )= 2 Ω( N ( k ) 1 / 4 log N ( k ))
G k |
u 2
u k
u k + 1
u 1
Figure 10.23 The graph E k used in the construction of the family
{G k }
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