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The reader is asked to show that the program of Fig. 10.22 can be converted to a branch-
ing program of space O ( S ) and time O ( T ) . (See Problem 10.41 .)
The program of Fig. 10.22 relies on the fact that input variables are drawn from the set
1, 2, 3, ... , n c
1, 2, 3, ... , n
c> 1, the outer loop is executed O ( n c /S ) times and its total running time is O ( n c ) .Thus,
the program is not optimal in this case.
. If the set from which they are drawn is much larger, say
10.13.8 Sorting
The sorting problem is described in Section 6.8 . The general sorting problem is defined by
afunction f ( n )
n that rearranges the values of input variables so they are in
descending order. Given a branching program for sorting, we show below that a branching
program for the unique-elements problem can be obtained with a small additional amount of
space. As a consequence, the space-time product lower bound for unique elements applies to
the sorting problem. We also give a nearly matching upper bound.
sort :
THEOREM 10.13.9 Let |R| ≥ n . There is an integer n 0 > 0 such that for n ≥ n 0 and
S =Ω(log n ) the time T and space S used by any general branching program for the sorting
function f ( n )
sort :
that reports its outputs in descending order must satisfy
ST =Ω( n 2 )
This lower bound can be met to within a constant multiplicative factor for inputs drawn from the
Proof Given a branching program for f ( n )
1, 2, 3, ... , n
that uses space S , we use it to construct a
branching program for f ( n )
that uses space S + O (log n )= O ( S ) .Since f ( n )
requires space that is Ω( n 2 /T ) , the same lower bound applies to sorting.
The branching program for f ( n )
sort generates its sorted outputs in descending order. By
analyzing the outputs the unique elements can be found. Store the last output l along with
abit b that is 1 if l is so far the only occurrence of this value and 0 otherwise. If the next
output value is the same as l ,set b to 0. If it is different from l and b = 1, produce l as
an output, replace l with the last output, and set b to 1. Otherwise, do not produce an
Given a branching program Π forsorting,wedescribeabranchingprogramforunique
elements that uses modified copies of Π . If more than one output appears on some edge
in Π ,modifyit(yielding Π ) by replacing edges producing more than one output by a
sequence of edges each producing one output separated by vertices testing an arbitrary in-
put. This increases the number of vertices in Π by a factor of at most n and adds at most
log 2 n to its space. Now make 2
additional copies of Π , two for each value in
“one” copy if the value is the first encountered in the sorted output and a “zero” copy if it
is not.
Consider an edge in Π or one of its copies that produces an output (call it v ). There
are several cases to examine: the current copy of Π is a) the original copy, b) a “one” copy,
or c) a “zero” copy. In case a), redirect the edge to the same vertex in the “one” copy of Π
associated with v .Incaseb),if v is different from the value c associated with the current
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