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lower bound:
ST =Ω( n 2 log
This lower bound can be achieved to within a constant multiplicative factor.
Proof The upper bound follows by applying Lemma 10.9.3 and Theorem 10.5.5 .
10.13.7 Unique Elements
We now derive a lower bound on the space-time product for the sorting problem by reducing
sorting to the unique-elements problem. The unique elements problem takes a list of values
and returns in any order a list of the non-repeated elements among them.
DEFINITION 10.13.1 Let R be a set with at least n distinct elements. The function f ( n )
2 R n
defines the unique elements problem where 2 R n
is the power set of
f ( n )
unique ( x ) is the set of non-repeated elements in the input string x .
We emphasize that no order is imposed on the outputs of f ( n )
unique . Thus, if a set of values
appears in the output, their position in the output does not matter.
From Lemma 10.11.2 it follows that a lower bound to ST can be derived by restricting
the domain and discarding outputs. We restrict the domain by restricting each input variable
to values in a subset
containing n elements. We also restrict input tuples to the
containing at least n/ ( 2 e ) unique values ( e isthebaseofthenaturallogarithm). In
the following lemma we show that
|D| ≥ |S|
n / ( 2 e
1 )= φn n ,where φ = 1 / ( 2 e
1 ) .
the function f ( n )
On inputs in
unique has at least n/ ( 2 e ) unique outputs. We define the
subfunction f ( n )
m , m = n/ ( 2 e ) ,of f ( n )
restricted :
unique to be the subfunction obtained
n and deleting all but the first n/ ( 2 e ) outputs, which are all
by restricting its inputs to
LEMMA 10.13.6 Let S be a set of n elements. The fraction φ of the input n -tuples over S
containing n/ ( 2 e ) or more unique elements exceeds 1 / ( 2 e
1 ) .
Proof We use simple probabilistic arguments. Assign each n -tuple over
n probability
1 /n n .Let u ( x ) be the number of unique elements in x .Let X i ( x ) have value 1 if the i th
element of
occurs uniquely in x and value 0 otherwise. Then
u ( x )=
X i ( x )
i = 1
Let E [ u ] denote the average value of u ( x ) (the sum of u ( x ) over x weighted by its prob-
ability). Because the order of summation can be changed without affecting the sum, we
E [ u ( x )] =
E [ X i ( x )]
i = 1
E [ X i ( x )] is also the probability that X i = 1. If X i = 1, then each of the other components
of x can assume only one of n
1 values. Since the i thvaluecanbeinanyoneof n positions
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